
Skunky Skany Crab

This restaurant ended up being a real dud and a disappointment. I wanted to like it, but I couldn't.

Both times I went to this sushi restaurant, I ordered the same thing: a California role and a spider role. This is pretty much what I get down on every time I go to a sushi restaurant. I'm not all that keen on eating raw fish, so I order these two types of rolls. They're like sushi, but for the person who might be a little hesitant about eating a hunk of raw fish flesh.

The first time that I came to the restaurant, I was really impressed with the fact that their Spider role, which the main ingredient is deep fried soft shell crab, actually had a lot of soft shell crab. Fancy that, a crab role with crab in it! Unlike other sushi restaurants that I’ve eaten at that only put a whisper of crab in their spider rolls, this particular sushi restaurant’s spider role had it literally spilling out. And the California roll was really good too. I knew that the next time I would go, things would be just as good. Sike!! My second visit left much to be desired, including a bottle of Pepto-Bismol.

First of all, when I got there, they had this weird "Roxanne you don't have to put on the red light" light bathing the restaurant. Since it was my first night time visit, it threw me a bit. To be honest, it kind of made me feel like I was in the red light district looking for some action. Nasty huh? Once I got over the "ambiance", I ordered the same thing that I had last time; and I sorely wish I hadn’t. The California roll was still pretty good, but the spider roll that I ate was foul than what. The first piece or two was fine, but the rest of it was gross. The crab in the roll that they used was clearly not at its freshest. When I ate the skunky crab filled roll, my face puckered in disgust and I spat it out, which is a big deal. I’ve never spit out food at a restaurant. That food cost money so you might as well get your dollars worth. But sometimes things are so gross that you gotta get rid of it. The crab was beyond ill. And what was worse is that when I told the waitress about the skunky crab that was in my role, she looked at me like a I was coo coo and fed me some BS excuse. Too bad the excuse that she fed me was better than the sushi that they served.

Now I’m sure you’ve noticed that I haven’t referred to the restaurant by name. That’s because although I had a bad experience, I won’t completely write them off as a bad restaurant. I will, though, say that they are hella mediocre. And I will also say that even though I won’t mention them by name, I will give a vague idea of where they are located. They are on east 14th street between 1st ave and Avenue A. I don’t think I’ll go there again (because I actually started to feel a little queasy after I left) , but if you’re feeling adventurous and you have an iron stomach, by all means.


Kyla said...

Hey Bee Nice. I think you may have found your calling. You have just the perfect balance of bitchiness and eloquence to be an excellent food critic.


P.S. I LOVE THE FACT that I had facebook stalk you to find out you had a blog.

preppygoesrock said...

love your blog... gotta stay thin to be pretty!
check out my blog: